Or closer to that goal than he's probably ever been! Sammy got a great bill of health yesterday from his 7 week checkup. The vet said he has muscle tone now! Muscle tone! That's a great thing. His coat looks great, and he is so happy. He's up to 16 minutes on the treadmill. It was a great day of encouragement. Sammy had Dr. Browne, her husband and his two favorite vet techs in the world all paying attention to him. He felt like he'd won some sort of big prize.
Only small glitch is that where I had posted Sammy was down to 70 lbs, somehow he is back up to 71.4. But the shelter just approved twice a week trips to Thera-Vet! So, until the weather clears up, that will be one of the hardest workouts he has. I can't wait to start walking him with my dog club. Hour long walks are the norm and it is all pavement.
I feel like he is so ready to go to a home now. He needs daily long walks, as his strength increases 20 minutes isn't cutting it for his weight loss and muscle buildup. Oh spring, where are you?!
I will be out of town for the next week, so no posts- but the guilt will be overtaking me, and maybe the trails at the park will be clear when I get back and we can start out spring workouts.