
Black Labs with 3 good legs unite!

No posts lately, because I've been crazy busy, not because Sammy hasn't been out and about and loving life. 

Sammy has become friends with Tucker, a dog from Lollypop Farm who is being rehabbed at Thera-Vet.  Tucker is also a black lab, and he had surgery on his hind quarters, or hip.  He apparently is lazy on the treadmill- so he sat and watched Sammy do his workout last week. You can see Sammy on the underwater treadmill behind him working hard, while Tucker lounges around.  Tucker though has a home!  I believe his foster family will be taking him.  

In other news, we sent out a flyer of Sammy to a few people.  If you want one, please email me . The more people we can send it out to, the better. Sammy will need monthly visits to thera-vet, to upkeep all the therapy we've done.  They cost around $85.  He needs a daily walk in his cart, to keep his weight down, some stretching (which can be done while you are petting him), and lots of snuggles.

J. took Sammy to a nursing home this week.  Apparently he loved it, and was loved by all the patients.  He spent a few hours there getting snuggles, and loving the patients.  More on that to come (maybe from J?).

Sammy will be at Pittsford Petco tomorrow (Saturday) from 1-3.  Please come visit him!